Bianca is passionate about studying what it means to be alive; why do we think and behave the way we do? She believe as artists, we do what a therapist does but in reverse. A therapist looks at an individual’s behavior and turns it into psychology, but an actor looks at the psychology of a character and brings the behavior to life. Bianca enjoys the intellectual side of acting, pairing empathy with deep analysis preparation. She love the craft of acting and studying what goes into making exceptional films and theatrical productions.

With her first artistic love being ballet, Bianca is drawn to the juxtaposition between strength and beauty. To connect stories of power and invincibility in a way that appears so elegant and effortless is astonishing. This also applies to the portrayal of femininity. Things that are poetic, beautiful, and feminine should not be seen as weak but instead celebrated for the immense power and resiliency they truly hold. Bianca wants to tell stories that give women permission to be their most courageous, complex, and human selves. 

Bianca is a ravenous reader, rarely seen without a book or play tucked in her pocket or purse. She finds reading to be like viewing “private movies in her mind that only she will ever see.” She is constantly tracking upcoming book-to-screen adaptations and enveloping herself in the worlds of novels she can see myself bringing to life as an actor, writer or producer.

F. Scott Fitzgerald described her soul's urge to this work best when saying, “That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.” By collaborating with brilliant, passionate, and curious individuals, Bianca aspires, through stories on stage and screen, to help people discover they are not alone, enabling them to embrace aspects of themselves that are simply universally human.  

When Bianca isn't creating, she's always on the search for the nearest body of water to ground her out and has recently been picking up golf.

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If you are interested in collaborating, I would love to hear from you!


Courtney peldon
aqua talent agency

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